[HideElement 63,79,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [HideBlock #o942820a82b1e,#of488b8566cc2] [IfAnchor #feature.overview][ShowElement 69,73,70 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 63,79,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #o8b725d199808][HideBlock #o942820a82b1e,#of488b8566cc2][HideBlock #o33eb60a013b6,#o2f62d91fae34] [Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #demo][ShowElement 63,79,70 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 69,73,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #of488b8566cc2][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#o942820a82b1e] [Redirect #bmi][Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #how.to.implement][ShowElement 63,73,81 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 69,79,70 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #o942820a82b1e][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#of488b8566cc2][HideBlock #o33eb60a013b6,#o2f62d91fae34] [Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [HideBlock #o33eb60a013b6,#o2f62d91fae34] [HideElement 17,19 in #of488b8566cc2] [IfAnchor #bmi][ShowBlock #o33eb60a013b6][HideBlock #o2f62d91fae34][HideElement 17,19 in #of488b8566cc2][ShowElement 18,20 in #of488b8566cc2][Calc $step=1][ShowElement 4,5,6 in #o33eb60a013b6][HideElement 6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,27,28,17,32 in #o33eb60a013b6][FillField #o33eb60a013b6-f1941 with ''][FillField #o33eb60a013b6-f1942 with ''][FillField #o33eb60a013b6-f1944 with ''][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #adds][ShowBlock #o2f62d91fae34][HideBlock #o33eb60a013b6][HideElement 18,20 in #of488b8566cc2][ShowElement 17,19 in #of488b8566cc2][/IfAnchor] [Validate #o33eb60a013b6-email IBAN] [Calc $step=1] [Calc $total=4] [HideElement 6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,27,28,17,32 in #o33eb60a013b6] [IfField #o33eb60a013b6-f1941 not ''][ShowElement 6 in #o33eb60a013b6][/IfField] [IfAnchor #display.2] [Calc $step=2] [Calc $weight=#o33eb60a013b6-f1941] [ShowElement 7,9,13 in #o33eb60a013b6] [HideElement 4,5,6 in #o33eb60a013b6] [/IfAnchor] [IfField #o33eb60a013b6-f1942 not ''][ShowElement 8 in #o33eb60a013b6][/IfField] [IfAnchor #display.3] [Calc $step=3] [Calc $size=#o33eb60a013b6-f1942] [Calc $bmi=($weight/($size*$size))*10000 round=1] [ShowElement 12,14,15 in #o33eb60a013b6] [HideElement 7,8,9,13 in #o33eb60a013b6] [/IfAnchor] [IfField #o33eb60a013b6-f1944 not ''][ShowElement 10 in #o33eb60a013b6][/IfField] [IfAnchor #display.4] [Calc $step=4] [Calc $targetweight=#o33eb60a013b6-f1944] [Calc $targetbmi=($targetweight/($size*$size))*10000 round=1] [Calc $changebmi=$bmi-$targetbmi] [ShowElement 16,17,18,19,20,23,32 in #o33eb60a013b6] [HideElement 10,12,14,15 in #o33eb60a013b6] [/IfAnchor] [HideElement 56,57 in #o2f62d91fae34] [Validate #o2f62d91fae34-email IBAN] [Calc $PMB=#o2f62d91fae34-f1941] [Calc $ECPC=#o2f62d91fae34-f1942] [Calc $clicks=($PMB/$ECPC) round=0] [Calc $TCR=#o2f62d91fae34-f1944] [Calc $leads=($clicks/100)*$TCR round=0] [Calc $ASP=#o2f62d91fae34-fax] [Calc $costlead=($PMB/$leads) round=0] [Calc $LCR=#o2f62d91fae34-f1631] [Calc $valuelead=($ASP/100)*$LCR round=0] [Calc $revenue=($leads*$valuelead) round=0] [Calc $profit=($revenue-$PMB) round=0] [Calc $return=($profit/$PMB)*100 round=1]
💡 ClickFix | Calculus



Unlock the power of dynamic calculations and variable management with ClickFix's Calc shortcode for Ontraport. This versatile tool empowers you to create a wide range of interactive and data-driven experiences on your Ontraport pages. Whether you need to perform simple arithmetic operations or construct intricate quote forms, the Calc shortcode offers the flexibility and functionality to bring your vision to life.

  • Effortless Calculations: Perform basic or complex calculations by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing field values and variables. Use it to instantly update numeric fields in response to user interactions, such as clicking a button.

  • Dynamic Variable Display: Showcase variables as text, making it easy to provide users with real-time information based on their input or selections.

  • Variable Flexibility: Utilize text, long text, and dropdown fields in conjunction with the Calc shortcode. While calculations won't apply to these fields, you can harness their data for other purposes.

  • Variable Naming: Define variables with ease, starting with a dollar sign ($) and allowing underscores (_) as the only special character. This standardized naming convention simplifies your workflow.

  • Zero Handling: Fields and variables without assigned values are automatically treated as zero, ensuring consistent and reliable calculations.

Whether you're building interactive financial calculators, custom quoting systems, or interactive forms with real-time data updates, ClickFix's Calc shortcode puts the power of dynamic calculations and variable manipulation at your fingertips. Elevate user engagement and drive conversions by delivering personalized experiences that respond to user input and choices.

Build anything from very basic calculations (adding or subtracting a number from a field when a button is clicked for example) to highly complex quote forms.

[ProgressBar x=$step y=$total height=30px color=#0078ca]

Step 1 : Weight

Step 2 : Size

Your Weight : [Calc $weight display] kg

Step 3 : Target Weight

Your Weight : [Calc $weight display] kg

Your Size : [Calc $size display] cm

Your BMI : [Calc $bmi display]

Step 4 : Result

Your Weight : [Calc $weight display] kg

Your Size : [Calc $size display] cm

Your BMI : [Calc $bmi display]

To reach your target weight of [Calc $targetweight display] kg, you would need to get your BMI down [Calc $changebmi display] points from [Calc $bmi display] to a targeted [Calc $targetbmi display].


Projected Monthly Budget
How much do you spend a month on digital ads?
If you don't spend on ads now, just test out a number, 10% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start. Once you've entered all other metrics, come back to budget to see how it affects profit.
Expected CPC
How much are you willing to pay for a click?
Depending on the ad network and audience, B2B marketers can expect cost-per-click to range from $1-$7 or more. 
Target Conversion Rate
How often does a visitor convert into a lead on your website?
For the average for B2B marketers it's around 2.6%.
Average Sale Price
On average, how valuable is a single customer?
For many companies this number may vary or increase over time. Test different options, such as a new customer vs. the lifetime value of a customer.
Lead to Customer Rate
What percentage of your leads turn into Customers?
This is crtical to monitor. Talk to sales and make sure the leads you deliver are top notch. Increasing lead to customer rate can drastically improve the ROI of your ads .
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If you need help to implement this into your account or you need more information, hit "Consult an Expert" down there, send your request and we'll take it from there.
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"The Team at ClickFix are the ultimate Ontraport hackers. They make the impossible possible, and have helped out a ton of our clients with their tools."

Landon Ray
Ontraport CEO

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