[HideElement 63,79,81 in #o09a5be6a867f] [HideBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8,#o3d73cc697855,#o48fbbde9ba91,#od34e22eb64c9] [IfAnchor #feature.overview][ShowElement 69,73,70 in #o09a5be6a867f][HideElement 63,79,81 in #o09a5be6a867f][ShowBlock #o8b725d199808][HideBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8,#o3d73cc697855,#o48fbbde9ba91,#od34e22eb64c9][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #demo][ShowElement 63,79,70 in #o09a5be6a867f][HideElement 69,73,81 in #o09a5be6a867f][ShowBlock #od34e22eb64c9][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#o3d73cc697855,#o48fbbde9ba91,#o95a3a9fb95a8][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #how.to.implement][ShowElement 63,73,81 in #o09a5be6a867f][HideElement 69,79,70 in #o09a5be6a867f][ShowBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#od34e22eb64c9][Redirect #emailverification][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #emailverification][ShowBlock #o3d73cc697855][HideBlock #o48fbbde9ba91][ShowElement 9,10 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideElement 8,11 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #phoneverification][ShowBlock #o48fbbde9ba91][HideBlock #o3d73cc697855][ShowElement 8,11 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideElement 9,10 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][/IfAnchor] [Validate #o3d73cc697855-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”] [HideColumn 1 in #o3d73cc697855] [ToolTip 31 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a} Please note that your token must have a Phone and Email Verification permission enabled." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 5 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='An email address to validate.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 11 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='The Object ID of the Destination Object you wish to get the data into. If id presents and this parameter is skipped, Contacts object will be updated.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 12 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='The ID of the destination object you wish to get the data into. ' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 13 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='For each response field, you can provide a respective object field to populate data into. See Data Map. Optional, only works together with id.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 15 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='Data map : The payload you provide can contain a map of object fields and response fields. Said map, if passed, will update your destination object with response data.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 33 in #o3d73cc697855 delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [IfField #o3d73cc697855-f2683 is '' OR #o3d73cc697855-f2673 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #o3d73cc697855][HideElement 33 in #o3d73cc697855][/IfField] [Autocomplete #o3d73cc697855-f2678 options='email,user,domain,free,did_you_mean,result,reason'] [Validate #o48fbbde9ba91-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”] [HideColumn 1 in #o48fbbde9ba91] [ToolTip 31 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a} Please note that your token must have a Phone and Email Verification permission enabled." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 5 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='A phone number to validate.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 11 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='The Object ID of the Destination Object you wish to get the data into. If id presents and this parameter is skipped, Contacts object will be updated.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 12 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='The ID of the destination object you wish to get the data into. ' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 13 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content="For each response field, you can provide a respective object field to populate data into. {a href='https://doc.clickfix.io/#email-verification-magic-hook' target='_blank'}See Data Map.{/a} Optional, only works together with id." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 15 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='Data map : The payload you provide can contain a map of object fields and response fields. Said map, if passed, will update your destination object with response data.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 47 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='Two-letter country code of a phone number. Passing this value will return invalid response if given phone number doesnt belong to this country.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 33 in #o48fbbde9ba91 delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [IfField #o48fbbde9ba91-f2683 is '' OR #o48fbbde9ba91-f2673 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #o48fbbde9ba91][HideElement 33 in #o48fbbde9ba91][/IfField] [Autocomplete #o48fbbde9ba91-f2678 options='status,line_type,carrier,location,country_name,country_timezone,country_code,international_format,local_format,e164_format,can_be_internationally_dialled'] [EmailVerification field=email reject=risky,unknown,undeliverable message="Please check your email for errors" suggestion=yes submit=no] [PhoneVerification field=sms_number message="Your number is invalid" submit=no background-color=#eeeeee dropdown-divider-color=#9E9E9E dropdown-bg-hover=#F9FBE7]
💡 ClickFix | Email Phone Validation


Email / Phone Validation

ClickFix's Phone and Email Validator feature offers a powerful solution to ensure the accuracy and validity of contact information within your Ontraport account. By integrating real-time validation of phone numbers and email addresses, this feature enhances data quality, reduces errors, and improves communication efficiency.

Feature Description:

The Phone and Email Validator feature equips Ontraport users with the following advantages:

  1. Real-Time Validation: This feature instantly validates the correctness of phone numbers and email addresses as they are entered into your Ontraport account. Real-time validation minimizes errors and ensures accurate contact information.

  2. Improved Communication: Valid phone numbers and email addresses result in more successful communication efforts. By using ClickFix's validator, you can be confident that your messages reach the intended recipients.

  3. Data Quality Enhancement: Maintain a high standard of data quality by filtering out incorrect or outdated contact information. This helps in building a reliable and accurate customer database.

  4. Seamless Integration: The Phone and Email Validator seamlessly integrates with Ontraport, providing an efficient and user-friendly experience. The validation process occurs in the background, minimizing disruptions to your workflow.

  5. Error Reduction: By preventing the input of incorrect or incomplete contact information, this feature reduces the likelihood of errors during data entry. This contributes to a more reliable and trustworthy customer database.

  6. Enhanced Automation: Integrate the Phone and Email Validator into your automation processes to ensure that only valid contact information is used for triggering actions and campaigns.

  7. Streamlined Lead Generation: When collecting leads, this feature ensures that the contact details you obtain are accurate from the start, increasing the efficiency of your lead generation efforts.

The Phone and Email Validator feature from ClickFix is a valuable asset for maintaining data accuracy, improving communication efficiency, and enhancing overall data quality within your Ontraport account.

These are paid features that come with a number of monthly credits we call validations. Each credit can be used for either real-time email validations or phone number validations.

For example, the Essential plan comes with 1,500 validations. So in any given month you can validate up to 1,500 emails OR 1,500 phone numbers OR any combination of emails & phone numbers across all of your pages.

Once you've hit your limit, each extra validation will be tracked and charged with your next billing cycle so we don't interrupt your lead generation efforts.

Here's the breakdown of how many credits each tier gets:

  • Essential : 1,500 validations
  • Marketer : 15,000 validations
  • Pro : 75,000 validations 

Extra validations cost + 0.009/each

NOTE: All shortcodes you see on this page have a space after the opening bracket "[" so you can see them. In order for them to work on your page you'll need to remove the space between the opening bracket "[" and the first letter of the shortcode command.

[ EmailVerification field=email reject=risky,unknown,undeliverable message="Please check your email" suggestion=yes submit=no ]

The "reject" parameter tells our system which emails should return an email if the user enters them into the email field.

Your options are:

⚠️ risky = A risky result means the email addresses appears to exist, but have quality issues that may result in low engagement or a bounce. Use caution when sending to risky addresses. "Accept-All", "Disposable", and "Role (ie. support, info, etc.) addresses are classified as risky.

⁉️ unknown = Unknown occurs when ClickFix is unable to get a valid response from the recipient's email server. This usually happens when the destination email server is too slow or temporarily unavailable.

🚨 undeliverable = Undeliverable email addresses do not exist, or are syntactically incorrect (misspelled or formatted incorrectly).

The "message" parameter is what you want the message that displays when somebody enters a "rejected" email to say.

"Suggestion" can be set to yes/no and will provide a suggestion based on AI for things such as common misspellings like .CON instead of .COM.

Finally, "submit" gives you the option to allow the email the person enters to be submitted EVEN IF it has been flagged (submit=yes) OR to block form submissions until they enter an email we've identified as being deliverable AND not whatever "reject" value(s) you've specified (ie. risky, unknown, undeliverable).

Webhook Post :
https://klikfx.com/api/misc/check-email?token=[Calc $emailtoken=#o3d73cc697855-f2683 display]
Add the data to send :
email=[Calc $emailemail=#o3d73cc697855-f2673 display]&id=[Calc $emailid=#o3d73cc697855-f2675 display]&object_id=[Calc $emailobject=#o3d73cc697855-f2674 display]&[Calc $emailfield=#o3d73cc697855-f2676 display]=[Calc $emailsource=#o3d73cc697855-f2678 display]
For example, if you wish to populate your object with domain, result and reason, simply add the following:

! All the field in bold are required and must be filled to use this webhook !

[ PhoneVerification field=sms_number message="Your number is invalid" submit=no background-color=#ffffff dropdown-divider-color=#9E9E9E dropdown-bg-hover=#F9FBE7 line-height=39px margin-top=1px margin-left=1px ]

Not only did we add in a real-time phone verification system, we also added the country code pre-fix to the beginning of the field so there's never a doubt as to how the phone numbers are being formatted.

With this shortcode you have a few options.

First, use "field" to tell ClickFix which phone number field you want to target since not everyone is after mobile numbers.

Then, specify the "message" you want to appear if the phone number entered is invalid.

Next, decide if you want to accept or reject invalid numbers with the "submit" parameter.

From there, we've given you several styling options to help the validator blend in seamlessly with your field styling.

Webhook Post :
https://klikfx.com/api/misc/check-phone?token=[Calc $phonetoken=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2683 display]
Add the data to send :
phone=[Calc $phonephone=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2673 display]&country_code=[Calc $phonecountry=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2677 display]&id=[Calc $phoneid=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2675 display]&object_id=[Calc $phoneobject=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2674 display]&[Calc $phonefield=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2676 display]=[Calc $phonesource=#o48fbbde9ba91-f2678 display]
! All the field in bold are required and must be filled to use this webhook !
Documentation Email Verification
Documentation Phone Verification
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If you need help to implement this into your account or you need more information, hit "Consult an Expert" down there, send your request and we'll take it from there.
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"The Team at ClickFix are the ultimate Ontraport hackers. They make the impossible possible, and have helped out a ton of our clients with their tools."

Landon Ray
Ontraport CEO

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