[HideElement 63,79,81 in #o1df4545cfae3]
[HideBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8,#od34e22eb64c9]
[IfAnchor #feature.overview][ShowElement 69,73,70 in #o1df4545cfae3][HideElement 63,79,81 in #o1df4545cfae3]
[ShowBlock #o8b725d199808][HideBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8,#od34e22eb64c9][HideBlock #o649940f4e0cb,#of803315ade29,#oac7f78c0ec1d]
[Redirect #obf93de62bd0d]
[IfAnchor #demo][ShowElement 63,79,70 in #o1df4545cfae3][HideElement 69,73,81 in #o1df4545cfae3]
[ShowBlock #od34e22eb64c9][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o649940f4e0cb,#of803315ade29,#oac7f78c0ec1d]
[Redirect #obf93de62bd0d]
[IfAnchor #how.to.implement][ShowElement 63,73,81 in #o1df4545cfae3][HideElement 69,79,70 in #o1df4545cfae3]
[ShowBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#od34e22eb64c9]
[Redirect #log][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d]
[HideBlock #o649940f4e0cb,#of803315ade29,#oac7f78c0ec1d]
[IfAnchor #log][ShowBlock #o649940f4e0cb][HideBlock #of803315ade29,#oac7f78c0ec1d][ShowBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#od34e22eb64c9][ShowElement 8,9,12 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideElement 7,10,13 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor]
[IfAnchor #swapproduct][ShowBlock #of803315ade29][HideBlock #o649940f4e0cb,#oac7f78c0ec1d][ShowBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#od34e22eb64c9][ShowElement 7,10,12 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideElement 8,9,13 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor]
[IfAnchor #changedate][ShowBlock #oac7f78c0ec1d][HideBlock #o649940f4e0cb,#of803315ade29][ShowBlock #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#od34e22eb64c9][ShowElement 7,9,13 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][HideElement 8,10,12 in #o95a3a9fb95a8][Redirect #obf93de62bd0d][/IfAnchor]
[Validate #o649940f4e0cb-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”]
[HideColumn 1 in #o649940f4e0cb]
[ToolTip 31 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 5 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content="The array of products you wish to include into a transaction. Array Keys represent the identifiers of products (either names or IDs), and values are configurations. {a href='https://doc.clickfix.io/#log-transaction-products' target='_blank'}See Product configuration{/a})" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 11 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='An email to identify your contact. If contact with this email does not exist, a new one will be created. Only one is required between email or contact_id.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 12 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='An ID of existing contact. Only one is required between email or contact_id.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 13 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='Can be either a log or charge. In case of charge, Ontraport will actually try to charge money from your customer, otherwise transaction will just get into a purchase log. Default value is log. Note that log will only work for one off transactions, you cant log a payment plan or a subscription you can only charge it.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 15 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content="A payment gateway ID. Please note that you have to pass a true gateway ID (which starts from one), not the external gateway ID (which usually consists of six digits). This means, unless you have 100k+ gateways created in your OAP, the true gateway ID is going to be one or two digits.{a href='https://app.ontraport.com/#!/gateway/listAll' target='_blank'} Click here to view your gateways.{/a} Required if type is charge." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 16 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='Transaction date represented in seconds since the Unix Epoch (i.e. Timestamp). If not set, current time will be taken.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 18 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='External order ID of transaction. Useful for integration with other APIs.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 19 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content="Invoice template one's willing to use. If not set, -1 will be used, which means to suppress invoice sending. {a href='https://app.ontraport.com/#!/message_template/listAll' target='_blank'}Click here to view your Ontraport Invoices{/a}." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 47 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='Customer credit card ID. If not provided, Ontraport will try to charge default customer card.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 48 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content="Identifier of transaction tax (see {a href='https://app.ontraport.com/#!/taxes/listAll' target='_blank'}https://app.ontraport.com/#!/taxes/listAll{/a} in your Ontraport account). With this parameter provided, products that have taxable=1 will be taxed." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 33 in #o649940f4e0cb delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[IfField #o649940f4e0cb-f2683 is '' OR #o649940f4e0cb-f2673 is '' OR (#o649940f4e0cb-f2675 is '' AND #o649940f4e0cb-f2674 is '')][ShowElement 30 in #o649940f4e0cb][HideElement 33 in #o649940f4e0cb][/IfField]
[Autocomplete #o649940f4e0cb-f2676 options='log,charge']
[Validate #of803315ade29-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”]
[HideColumn 1 in #of803315ade29]
[ToolTip 31 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 5 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content="The ID of the contact : Contact ID." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 11 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content='The ID of the product that must be contained in the open order we wish to change.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 12 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content='The ID of the product that will now be charged in the open order we wish to change.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 13 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content='The new Next Charge Amount for that Open Order. You can use 99.95 for cents.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 15 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content="Optional parameter that changes a recurrency of a subscription. Valid values for this parameter are: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, which will change subscription length to day, week, month, quarter (3 month), and year respectively. This change will take effect after next charge date." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 33 in #of803315ade29 delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[IfField #of803315ade29-f2683 is '' OR #of803315ade29-f2673 is '' OR #of803315ade29-f2674 is '' OR #of803315ade29-f2676 is '' OR #of803315ade29-f2675 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #of803315ade29][HideElement 33 in #of803315ade29][/IfField]
[Autocomplete #of803315ade29-f2678 options='daily,weekly,monthly,quarterly,yearly']
[Validate #oac7f78c0ec1d-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”]
[HideColumn 1 in #oac7f78c0ec1d]
[ToolTip 31 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 5 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content="The ID of the Product you want to look up in the Contact Open Orders (if no Product ID is provided, we will change the Last Open Order create for that Contact)." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 11 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content='Do we change the date based on today date (Default.) or based on order date found in the Open Order?' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 12 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content='The ID of the contact : Contact ID.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 13 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content='Pick a type and an offset from the table below.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 15 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content="Your preferred timezone. You can find it in the TZ column by {a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones' target='_blank'}clicking here{/a} If no timezone is specified, we will operate in Standard Time. Not setting a timezone might cause issues where some of your orders might get charged a day in advance because it is already that day in GMT (Standard Time) but not in your timezone." follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 16 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content='Pick a type and an offset from the table below.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[ToolTip 33 in #oac7f78c0ec1d delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes]
[IfField #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2683 is '' OR #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2675 is '' OR #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2676 is '' OR #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2679 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #oac7f78c0ec1d][HideElement 33 in #oac7f78c0ec1d][/IfField]
[Autocomplete #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2676 options='nextday,nextmonth,days,weeks,months,timestamp']
[Autocomplete #oac7f78c0ec1d-f2674 options='today,order']
ClickFix introduces the powerful "Open Order Management" feature, a versatile toolkit that empowers you to take control of your orders and open orders within Ontraport. This feature encompasses a range of functionalities and Magichooks designed to enhance your order management experience.
Effortless Order Management: Simplify the management of open orders and orders in Ontraport with intuitive tools designed to enhance efficiency.
Customization: Tailor orders to meet the unique needs of your customers, whether it's changing products, billing dates, or transaction statuses.
Streamlined Payment Processing: Improve the payment experience by managing default credit cards and transaction logging seamlessly.
Billing Flexibility: Choose whether to send recurring invoices or not, adapting your billing practices to suit your business model.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide exceptional customer service by swiftly accommodating changes and updates to orders.
With "Open Order Management," ClickFix equips you with the tools to navigate and optimize your orders and open orders within Ontraport. Take full control of your order management processes and deliver a superior experience to your customers.
Log Transaction: Streamline transaction logging and even initiate one-click purchases with this feature, providing a frictionless purchasing experience for your customers.
Change Open Order Partner: Easily modify the partner associated with an open order, allowing for flexible partnership management within your Ontraport account.
Swap Open Order Product with Another Product and Price: Swap products within open orders effortlessly, ensuring your customers receive the right items at the correct prices.
Change Default Credit Card to Last Card Added: Simplify payment processing by setting the last added credit card as the default payment method for open orders.
Change Next Charge Date on an Open Order: Customize the charge schedule for open orders to accommodate varying customer preferences and billing cycles.
Send Recurring Invoices (or not): Choose to send recurring invoices for open orders or manage orders without generating recurring invoices, offering flexibility in your billing practices.