[HideElement 63,79,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [HideBlock #o942820a82b1e,#of488b8566cc2] [IfAnchor #feature.overview][ShowElement 69,73,70 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 63,79,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #o8b725d199808][HideBlock #o942820a82b1e,#of488b8566cc2][HideBlock #o7e8068b7cfce,#o194bc11fe1b3,#od1f716adcf05] [Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #demo][ShowElement 63,79,70 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 69,73,81 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #of488b8566cc2][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#o942820a82b1e][HideBlock #o7e8068b7cfce,#o194bc11fe1b3,#od1f716adcf05] [Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #how.to.implement][ShowElement 63,73,81 in #of287d31c9f68][HideElement 69,79,70 in #of287d31c9f68] [ShowBlock #o942820a82b1e][HideBlock #o8b725d199808,#of488b8566cc2] [Redirect #uploadbox][Redirect #o7a7b02f01a90] [/IfAnchor] [HideBlock #o7e8068b7cfce,#o194bc11fe1b3,#od1f716adcf05] [IfAnchor #uploadbox][ShowElement 8,9,11 in #o942820a82b1e][HideElement 7,10,12 in #o942820a82b1e][ShowBlock #o7e8068b7cfce][HideBlock #o194bc11fe1b3,#od1f716adcf05][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #createfolder][ShowElement 7,10,11 in #o942820a82b1e][HideElement 8,9,12 in #o942820a82b1e][ShowBlock #o194bc11fe1b3][HideBlock #o7e8068b7cfce,#od1f716adcf05][/IfAnchor] [IfAnchor #editfolder][ShowElement 7,9,12 in #o942820a82b1e][HideElement 8,10,11 in #o942820a82b1e][ShowBlock #od1f716adcf05][HideBlock #o7e8068b7cfce,#o194bc11fe1b3][/IfAnchor] [Validate #o194bc11fe1b3-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”] [HideColumn 1 in #o194bc11fe1b3] [ToolTip 31 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 5 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content="Your UploadBox token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/uploader' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 11 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content='The Object ID of the Destination Object you wish to get the data into. If id presents and this parameter is skipped, Contacts object will be updated.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 12 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content='The ID of the destination object you wish to get the data into. If not provided, no object will be updated.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 13 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content='Destination field of object. Receives an URL to directory that was created. If not provided, no object will be updated.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 15 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content='A path to your desired folder. Please note that path will be sanitized to a path-safe characters. To create a several nested folders, please use forward slash as a separator. NB: your UploadBox path must contain the PATH variable to take effect.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 33 in #o194bc11fe1b3 delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [IfField #o194bc11fe1b3-f2683 is '' OR #o194bc11fe1b3-f2673 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #o194bc11fe1b3][HideElement 33 in #o194bc11fe1b3][/IfField] [Validate #od1f716adcf05-f1991 IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”] [HideColumn 1 in #od1f716adcf05] [ToolTip 31 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content="Your ClickFix Token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/managetokens' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 5 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content="Your UploadBox token : {a href='https://app.clickfix.io/uploader' target='_blank'}available here{/a}" follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 15 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content='A path to your desired folder. Please note that path will be sanitized to a path-safe characters. To create a several nested folders, please use forward slash as a separator. NB: your UploadBox path must contain the PATH variable to take effect.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 11 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content='The old path to your desired folder. NB: Choose between old_path= OR path_link=.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 50 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content='A shared link url (the link you get when you first create your folder). NB: Choose between old_path= OR path_link=.' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [ToolTip 33 in #od1f716adcf05 delay=1 content='Note : The fields must be filled up with real ids and tokens for this feature to work' follow-cursor=no placement=bottom theme=material interactive=yes] [IfField #od1f716adcf05-f2683 is '' OR #od1f716adcf05-f2673 is ''][ShowElement 30 in #od1f716adcf05][HideElement 33 in #od1f716adcf05][/IfField] [IfField #od1f716adcf05-f2674 not '' AND #od1f716adcf05-f2675 not ''][ShowElement 49 in #od1f716adcf05][/IfField] [UploadBox f1744 Wk8wYXJYVUpzc2FEazMrc1JMRmpsQT09] [UploadBox f1745 ZFJ4QTN1NjI2Y1JLSm5tQkRoZ3Zydz09 image_id=f1941] [UploadBox f1746 bEg4bFM3TStwZVY1ZTJ3bmJOUUpMQT09] [IfField f1941 not ''][SetVar $idupload=#of488b8566cc2-f1941 type=string][ShowColumn 28 in #of488b8566cc2][/IfField] [SetVar $idupload=#of488b8566cc2-f1941 type=string] [HideColumn 26 in #of488b8566cc2] [Validate #of488b8566cc2-email IBAN “Please enter a valid IBAN”]
💡 ClickFix | Uploader


Uploader Suite

Experience seamless file management with ClickFix's Uploader Suite. From uploading diverse file types to capturing images or recording voice messages on the fly, this tool is your gateway to hassle-free file handling. Its robust integration with major cloud services like Google Drive, AWS, FTP, and Dropbox ensures secure storage and easy access to your files. Whether organizing files with customizable subfolders, automating folder creation, or editing folder names, the Uploader Suite streamlines data organization, making it an indispensable tool for proficient data handling and storage solutions.

  • Versatile File Handling: ClickFix's Uploader offers a range of file upload options, including file-only uploads, audio uploads (with voice recording capabilities), and image uploads (with the option to take pictures on the spot). This versatility empowers users to handle various types of files seamlessly.

  • Integration with Major Cloud Services: Seamlessly integrate your file uploads with popular cloud services like Google Drive, AWS, FTP, and Dropbox. This ensures that your files are securely stored and easily accessible.

  • Customizable Subfolders: Organize your uploaded files efficiently with customizable subfolders. Each UploadBox can be configured to store files in a designated subfolder, making it easy to categorize and manage your data.

  • Create Folders in Your Storage: With ClickFix, you can automate folder creation in your storage. This feature streamlines data organization, ensuring that your files are stored neatly and accessibly. It's a time-saving solution for maintaining a structured file system.

  • Edit Folder Names: Need to modify folder names in your storage? ClickFix's Uploader allows you to do just that. Whether you're reorganizing or updating naming conventions, this feature simplifies the process, enhancing your storage management.

The Uploader is a powerful tool for managing and organizing your files, providing a seamless experience for both file uploads and storage management. It's perfect for businesses and professionals who rely on efficient data handling and storage solutions.

[ UploadBox %target_field% %your_token% subfolder=%a_folder_name%]

ATTRIBUTE                                                                   TYPE                                                      DESCRIPTION

%target_field%#%field_id%Because the same Field will have the same name if it is on the page multiple times, you may target a specific Field by targeting its #%field_id%.

You can save yourself some time by using our Free Chrome Plugin to find your Field's id.

%your_token%KeyYou may access our Upload Box Feature and your token by clicking here.

subfolder=Variable or StringAll the files uploaded with this uploadbox will be stored within a %a_folder_name% folder. So every different client can have a different folder name.

You can Have multiple different subfolder=Variable or String.

Exemple : email=$email or email=

Create Folder In Your Storage
This hook creates a folder in your UploadBox storage. To use it please obtain your %clickfix_token% and your uploadbox token. Send this webhook from your Ontraport Automation:
Webhook Post :
https://klikfx.com/a/h/storage-folder?token=[Calc $createtoken=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2683 display]
Add the data to send :
upload=[Calc $uploadcreate=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2673 display]&object_id=[Calc $createobject=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2674 display]&id=[Calc $createid=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2675 display]&field=[Calc $createfield=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2676 display]&path=[Calc $pathcreate=#o194bc11fe1b3-f2678 display]
You can add additional variables for your path. If you specified any custom variables in the UploadBox path, provide the values in this parameter. Example: &vars['name]=PeterGriffin&vars['email]=awesome.me@example.com
! All the field in bold are required and must be filled to use this webhook !
Edit Folder Name
This hook will modify a folder in your UploadBox storage. To use it please obtain your %clickfix_token% and your UploadBox token. Send this webhook from your Ontraport Automation:
Webhook Post :
https://klikfx.com/a/h/storage-folder-change-path?token=[Calc $edittoken=#od1f716adcf05-f2683 display]
Add the data to send :
upload=[Calc $uploadedit=#od1f716adcf05-f2673 display]&path=[Calc $pathedit=#od1f716adcf05-f2678 display][IfField #od1f716adcf05-f2674 not '']&old_path=[Calc $oldpathdeit=#od1f716adcf05-f2674 display][/IfField][IfField #od1f716adcf05-f2675 not '']&path_link=[Calc $pathlinkedit=#od1f716adcf05-f2675 display][/IfField]
NB: Choose between &old_path= OR &path_link=
Additional variables for your path. If you specified any custom variables in the UploadBox path, provide the values in this parameter. Example: vars['name]=PeterGriffin&vars['email]=awesome.me@example.com
! All the field in bold are required and must be filled to use this webhook !
File Upload
Image Upload
(Note : the image will appear below once uploaded)
Audio Upload
Uploaded Image :
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If you need help to implement this into your account or you need more information, hit "Consult an Expert" down there, send your request and we'll take it from there.
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"The Team at ClickFix are the ultimate Ontraport hackers. They make the impossible possible, and have helped out a ton of our clients with their tools."

Landon Ray
Ontraport CEO

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