Ontraport User Controlled Conditional Blocks


Ontraport User Controlled Conditional Blocks
It’s time for another ClickFix case study Ontrapreneurs…

QUICK POLL: Do you sell things internationally?

In today’s ultra-connected world, the chances are that you do have at least a few clients from other parts of the world deciding whether or not to give you some of their hard earned cash…


Did you know that studies show as much as 65% UK, 47% Australia, 43% Germany, 39% Canada will leave USD only website in order to calculate exchange rates before deciding to make the purchase?

If you’ve been around the web game for any length of time, you know that a good chunk of those people never make it back 🙁

So it’s no wonder that savvy Ontrapreneurs like Linda Rossiter are on the lookout to increase their competitive edge whenever possible…

Now, even if you only sell to one country and don’t need to worry about displaying prices in different currencies, you’ll definitely want to keep reading because the principles can be applied to any type of content you’d like to display based on certain conditions.

Ontraport’s v3 Page Builder introduced an awesome new feature called conditional blocks. With their built-in options you can choose to display content blocks based on:

  • The device (mobile vs desktop)
  • A time delay
  • Conditions pulled from the contact profile
  • A combination of the above
That means that right out of the box you could set it up so that based on tags or information like the country inside of the contact record could show the visitor the right content.

For our multi-currency pricing table example, that means that you could set up three different blocks with one pricing table per block. Then, you could set up conditions based on the country field to determine which block to show.

If you want to get a bit fancier, you could set up a campaign that tags people with a currency preference based on their location and reduce the block conditions to just looking for those tags (shout out to Landon for that piece).

But what if you want to give the visitor control over the currency (or content being displayed)?

Or maybe you’d like to be able to use information from the URL to determine which block gets shown like setting the UTM parameter to a country/currency as part of an ad campaign…

That’s where something like the ClickFix FREE shortcode engine comes in handy.

There are at least 4 or 5 ways I can think of how to set something like this up with shortcodes, but for this example I chose to make it work with:

  • A URL parameter
  • A text link
  • A drop-down selector
You can play with it at https://clickfix.ontraport.net/multicurrency
If you’re curious about deeper explanations of the shortcodes, you’ll get access to the docs when you sign up for a free account.

But let me run through the setup line by line…

Line 1 is the script that enables shortcodes to work.

Line 2 hides the shortcodes when the page is first loaded.

Line 3 turns the individual blocks that hold our pricing tables into tabs and hides them from view until the page receives some interaction.

Line 4 shows the block with the USD pricing table by default.

Line 5 hides the submit button. By default, Ontraport only allows you to use form fields on the page if you include a submit button. In our case we want to use a drop-down field to change which pricing table is displayed, but there’s nothing to submit so we just hide the submit button.

Line 6 tells the system to look at the URL to see if there is a parameter called currency defined. If so, it changes the value of the drop-down field to match.

Lines 7-9 tell the system to change which block is shown based on the value of the drop-down field.

Line 10 closes the command to hide the shortcodes when the page is first loaded.

Now when we go to the page you can see how it works.

USD is loaded by default, but we can change the displayed pricing table either with the text links or the drop-down controls. Obviously you’d probably only use 1 or the other, but I wanted to illustrate different options.

I could have just as easily used images or buttons as well.

The last little trick makes use of a URL parameter called currency.

So when someone visits a link with the currency pre-defined like https://clickfix.ontraport.net/multicurrency?currency=EUR%20(€) the shortcodes shift to display the proper pricing table.

Again, this is just one possible set up for this.
More importantly, hopefully you can see how mixing and matching simple shortcodes can really open up all kinds of new functionality for your Ontraport pages.

Now it’s your turn!

What kinds of shortcodes would you love to see or what kinds of ideas are you dying to try out?


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