Part 5 : Auctions
Summary : Today we will create Auctions using Ontraport Dynamic CMS and a few (free) ClickFix Features. We will not discussing the payment part, for which you can refer to Part 1 : Pay What You Want and Part 2 : Generating payable invoices of our Case Study series.
Why Use This : This fifth installment of our case study series showcases how businesses can harness the excitement and competitiveness of auctions to elevate their sales strategy, foster engagement, and unlock new revenue streams.
Use Cases for Auctions:
Auctions can transform your e-commerce strategy, offering an engaging, dynamic way to sell while providing valuable insights into customer behavior and product value.
1. Create a new object, Auction
1. Fields
1. Product Name : Text
2. Starting Price : Price
3. Image : Image
4. End Date : Date & Time
2. Relationships
1. Contact “Auctions” 1-M Auctions “Auction Owner”
2. Create a new object, Bids
1. Fields
1. Bid Amount : Price
2. Relationships
1. Auction “Winning Bid” 1-1 Bid “Winning Auction”
2. Auction “Bids” 1-M Bids “Auction”
3. Contact “Bids” 1-M Bids “Bidder”
3. New Auction Dynamic Template #AuctionPage
1. At the top, Auction details
1. Photo
2. Product Name
3. Winning Bid Value OR if empty relationship, display Starting Price
4. A timer “ends in…” based off End Date
2. At the bottom a Bid Form
1. Bidder//Email
2. Winning Auction//Unique ID, Prefield & Hidden
3. Auction//Unique ID, Prefield & Hidden
4. Bid Amount
1. Add some shortcodes so that
1. Bid Amount is prefilled with minimum Bid, minimum Bid being either Current Bid or Starting Price + $1
2. If Bid Amount is less than Minimum Bid, fill field with Minimum Bid
4. New Contact Page #Auctions #View All Auctions
1. Simply a dynamic list of all Auctions whose date is in the future with name, price, and a link to the dynamic #AuctionPage
5. New Contact Page #Auctions #ManageAuctions
1. Auction Form
1. Auction Owner//Email
2. Product Name
3. Starting Price
4. End Date
5. Redirects to the same page
2. At the bottom, if a contact is identified, show Dynamic List of Contact’s Auctions. Simply a dynamic list of all Auctions whose date is in the future with name, price, and a link to the dynamic #AuctionPage
Please follow the instructions above to set this up.